Bauma CTT Russia 2020 postponed

27 March 2020

The construction show Bauma CTT Russia, which was due to be held in Moscow between 26 and 29 May, 2020, has been postponed. The new dates for the show are 8 to 11 September. The decision has been made following the spread of the coronavirus strain, Covid-19.

Show organisers Messe München said, “COVID-19 is a big concern for all of us; it raises questions about how things will happen in the near future. As the event’s organiser, we have decided to postpone Bauma CTT Russia. Rest assured that we are aware of the responsibility that comes with this decision and will consider all the relevant factors and official guidelines when making it.

“The health of our customers, exhibitors and visitors naturally takes the highest priority for us. Therefore, we will of course continue to monitor developments closely over the next few weeks.”


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