Hong Kong rail contract for Aurecon

21 December 2020

Aurecon has been awarded a major design contract for a substantial extension of Hong Kong’s Mas Transit Railway Corporation (MTR Corporation) rail network.


A map showing the Aurecon-Hong-Kong-MTR line-extension

The company will use advanced 3D modelling and Building Information Management (BIM) technologies on the project for the Tuen Ma Line Extension in Hong Kong.

The project comprises a 2.4 km extension of the existing West Rail Line from Tuen Mun station, improving accessibility for the local population to Hong Kong’s Tuen Mun South area.

Appointed by AECOM, the lead planning and design consultancy on the project, Aurecon is responsible for the detailed planning and design of railway engineering, river crossing specialty bridge and viaducts, as well as digital services.

Keith Chong, managing director, infrastructure, Asia, at Aurecon, said “Aurecon’s engineering expertise and our investment in digital capabilities in recent years, especially in BIM, has helped us establish a leading market position in Hong Kong.

“We have strong expertise in digital services and will harness a range of digital tools in the engineering processes on this project, such as 3D modelling. Our team’s long-standing experience in bridge design, technical know-how and capability to bring innovative ideas to the table will be a significant factor to the project’s success.”

Improving rail access to Tuen Mun, which is home to around 490,000 people, is one of the key priorities of the government’s railway development strategy for Hong Kong. Construction of the Tuen Ma Line Extension is expected to commence in 2023 for completion in 2030.

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