US Navy seeks new ship breaking techniques

Premium Content

21 October 2010

Ship breaking that is kinder to the environment is the aim of a US Navy drive to identify new disman

Ship breaking that is kinder to the environment is the aim of a US Navy drive to identify new dismantling technologies

The US Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center (NFESC) and Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (NSWCCD) are looking for established 'new' technologies that would help reduce emissions to the environment during ship breaking/demolition activities. Of particular interest is the reduction of metal cutting emissions and occupational exposures in naval shipyards and other locations. Proposed state-level environmental legislation and regulations across 50 US states will require these new technologies.

A baseline set of data should be available to indicate that any new technologies are viable options for ship demolition applications and ideally applications should be as easy as oxy fuel cutting, and preferably inexpensive and efficient.

NFESC is not interested in technologies that have previously been demonstrated at Navy shipyard facilities; however Army, USMC, and Air Force sites are acceptable. Technologies must be ready for technology transfer to real operations (no lab optimisation phase). They should not feature enclosure tents and/or industrial ventilations systems unless the technology can demonstrate truly innovative technology/methodologies that will meet the aforementioned requirements.

Environmental emissions should include air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous waste, recycling (if applicable), water conservation, footprint, hazardous materials transportation, toxic substances control, site remediation, worker health and safety, and sustainability. Organisations should provide information regarding available technologies, but upon successful informational gathering, these technologies could lead to further technology demonstration efforts at naval shipyards.

Until 31 December 2010, providers can submit their technology by responding to Sources Sought - N6258310R0466 at FEDBIZOPS or NECO (click on Synopsis and type in solicitation number).

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