HRIA publishes back-to-work guidance

24 June 2020

Australian rental association HRIA has published guidance to help its members ensure their operations are safe, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As restrictions in Australia are eased, there remains a strong government mandate to ensure businesses take appropriate steps to minimise the risk of infection and to protect the wellbeing of their employees.


The guide offers practical guidance on how to minimise exposure to Covid-19

The HRIA has created a COVIDSafe Guide for rental operations, in response to a set of National Covid‐19 Safe Work Principles agreed by government bodies across Australia.

It aims to provide practical guidance on how to minimise exposure to Covid-19 for staff, customers and other site visitors.

The guide is designed to assist those reopening premises following closure as well as those who have remained open throughout the crisis.

The broad scope of the guide means that not all considerations included in it apply to every operation or facility, so users are required to develop or revise the COVIDSafe plans that apply to their particular situation. The HRIA has also recommended that the guidance be tailored to comply with any local requirements.

This is the first version of the document, based on government information available as of 3 June. As new information becomes available, the guidance will be updated and the HRIA will keep its members informed.

The HRIA has made the guidance available in the member portal on its website.

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