SmartCrane new from GustoMSC
16 May 2016
GustoMSC has revealed its SmartCrane design to increase safety, save time and reduce costs for offshore operators.
Designed to work under the cantilever or beneath the work platform and drill rig on offshore platforms, the 20 tonne capacity electric crane can be fitted to new rigs or retrofitted to cantilever jack-up rigs. Boom lengths on the three models are: 19 metres on the SC380; 15 m on the SC300; and 12 m on the SC240. Hoisting speed is 15m/min and it is the same on the 5 tonne auxiliary hoist.
The SmartCrane can also reach the rig’s main deck and it allows several operations to be performed at the same time (SIMOPS). SIMOPS on, for example, a plug and abandonment operation is around 10 % compared with a conventional sequential operation, Gusto said. Containers can be lifted under the cantilever between there and the main deck.
Operation is via a remote control and collision avoidance zones can be programmed in to avoid contact with topside modules or other obstacles.