Benninghoven new to Wirtgen stand
12 March 2015
Having been incorporated into the Wirtgen Group’s mineral technologies business sector, asphalt plant maker Benninghoven will be making its first appearance at Intermat as part of the group, and its new BBM 1250 mobile batch plant will be on show.
Benninghoven said the complete plant technology for producing high-quality asphalt was mounted on five chassis. With a mixing capacity of 100 tonnes/h, the BBM 1250 claims quick and easy installation as well as rapid changes of location.
The plant is supplied with the required aggregate fractions via four cold feed hoppers with a loading width of 3,600mm. The drying drum is mounted on the same chassis which the company said would ensure quick and efficient drying of the aggregate.
The plant includes a powerful four-deck screen capable of separating 90 tonnes/h of aggregate into the four compartments of the hot aggregate bin unit.
Digital real-time weighing and dosing technology is said to supply the 1.25 tonne mixer with the right components exactly as required for the specified formula. The complete bitumen supply is also mounted on a chassis. In addition to the 40m³ tank, the filling and dosing units are also integrated in such a way as to ensure optimum access while saving space, claimed Benninghoven.