Big Foot offers safe rooftop access
21 March 2013
The Safe Access systems provide standard site-assembled, safe access walkways, platforms and step-over solutions, as well as bespoke solutions when requested, said the company. Manufactured from GRP and/or galvanised metalwork the Safe Access range is designed to withstand harsh environments.
The new Safe Access line includes three basic modular Big Foot Step Overs, which helps personnel access rooftop equipment. Available with two, three, and four steps and a 1m landing section, the four legs on each Step Over are supplied with 305 mm feet and AV mats for stability.
Meanwhile, the Big Foot Rapid Walkway provides rooftop access to enable service engineers to gain access to plant and for use by multiple workers. A gritted top on the Walkway grating provides a permanent non-slip surface in any weather. The walkway system is supported on recycled rubber blocks.