New manual for telescopic hydraulic gantry systems
06 May 2008
Recommended Practices for Telescopic Hydraulic Gantry Systems is a new manual available from SC&RA produced in response to changes in the industry since 1996, when the Association published Recommended Practices for Hydraulic Jacking Systems.
The new 22 page manual contains five main sections: Scope, definitions, and references; Construction and characteristics; Inspection, load testing, and maintenance; Pre-lift planning and engineering; and Operations. Two appendices to the document contain checklists to be used by lift planners and lift supervisors when planning and performing lifts using hydraulic gantries. Also included are eight technical illustrations.
Recommended Practices for Telescopic Hydraulic Gantry Systems is available at US$ 69.99 for SC&RA members and $89.99 for non-members.
I To order call SC&RA at +1 703 6980291 or order on line at