A pair of planetary remotes
25 April 2008
Two new remote control systems - Remotus Jupiter and Remotus Mercury - from Åkerströms are claimed to offer solutions from the wireless control of smaller hoists to cranes with two-way communication. The Jupiter's transmitters and receivers work with most standard applications and are ready to use. The Mercury line has several transmitters and receivers that can be modified for different requirements.
The products comply with EN954-1 safety category 4 and have been developed to deal with dust, vibration, oil, dampness and extreme temperature differences.
The Jupiter products are used on the general frequency bands and now on 2.4 GHz band, while the Mercury operates on general and separate frequency bands. The receivers come with expansion cards for additional functions. Users can store configurations on an information module (CIM) card.
The Mercury line's transmitter scans 30 channels for an available frequency and automatically connects its respective receiver.
Transmitters can have duplex function to display information such as load weight and wind speed.