Call for photos for SC&RA Legendary Book
04 October 2022
KHL’s editors are asking for members to submit photos – historic photos, recent photos, your best photos that depict significant jobs you have performed through the years. If you’ve ever lifted or hauled anything associated with the U.S. space program – Apollo, rocket boosters, space shuttles – we need those photos.
If you have ever worked at a nuclear power plant or hauled or lifted nuclear power plant components, we want those photos. We want photos of infrastructure jobs – bridges, highways and the like – from the past and present.
This book covers members around the globe. We want photos of work you may have done on projects around the world. Wind farm work. Offshore wind work. Breakbulk work. Power Plant work. Power line work. Work on historic buildings. Work lifting, hauling and rigging ships, submarines and the like.
We are interested in photos of military projects or projects that are patriotic in nature. Ships, tanks and related – yes we want those photos. If it required cranes, gantries, specialized transportation, specialized rigging and other equipment used in our industry, we need your photos. If your project required a very small crane or the largest of cranes in the world, we want those photos.
The sky is the limit! You don’t want to miss the opportunity to get your work in this book.
Please make sure the photos are high resolution – at least 300 dpi at a size of 8 by 10 inches. If you must take a photo off the wall, have it scanned to 300 to 600 dpi. Each photo must come with a caption that tells the who, what, when, where and why. You can send them via email, Dropbox or through various filesharing apps. Photos can be black and white, sepia toned and full color. We want them all.
If you have questions, please email D.Ann Shiffler at