Commercial Fuel Solutions shows H2 internal combustion gen set

H2 gen set at Hillhead 2024 H2 gen set at Hillhead 2024 (Photo: Commercial Fuel Solutions)

Commercial Fuel Solutions, the UK distributor for Belgium-based E-power, has unveiled the new E45 hydrogen internal combustion generator.

The launch was held at Hillhead 2024, an annual event showcasing new tech for the construction market.

The 45 kVA electrical power generator will be offered either for purchase or hire.

The E45 power generator is designed to operate on any hydrogen grade, helping to set new benchmarks for clean energy delivery.

Using a hydrogen internal combustion engine is said to provide a more resilient solution than fuel cell tech, while being less expensive. Fuel cells are required to use only the purest forms of hydrogen.

Robin Futcher, founder and CEO of Commercial Fuel Solutions, said: “This generator is ideal for construction companies looking for a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and high-performance solution for power generation.

“With its lower CAPEX, ability to withstand fuel impurities, and decreased fuel expenses, it is the clear choice for businesses committed to investing in the future of hydrogen energy and making substantial strides in reducing their carbon footprint.”

Together with the generator, Commercial Fuel Solutions offers site safety risk assessments to ensure suitability of using the new system. Trained technicians manage the installation and commissioning of the equipment. Service, maintenance and emergency callout coverage is also provided.

In addition, Commercial Fuel Solutions can also supply hydrogen and further deliver remote fuel consumption monitoring.

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