EN 13000 rated capacity limiter questionnaire
12 October 2010
Since 1 May 2010 all mobile cranes sold into Europe have been equipped with the much-talked about rated capacity limiter conforming to the EN 13000:2010 European Standard.
The new system has generated controversy. In response, crane owners throughout Europe are being surveyed to report their experience with these new rated capacity limiters. In a joint project with the European Federation of Materials Handling (FEM), the European Association of Heavy Haulage Transport and Mobile Cranes (ESTA) is issuing a special FEM - ESTA questionnaire that all owners in Europe of mobile cranes delivered after 1 May 2010 are encouraged to complete.
The questionnaire is available from ESTA, at its web site www.esta-eu.org, from FEM and a copy is available in the Related Files box to the right of this story on this page. Versions in languages other than English will also be made available where required.