Enter the Telehandler30
06 April 2018
Does your rental fleet include telehandlers? If so, you should be listed on the Telehandler30, ALH’s annual ranking of North America’s telehandler-rental fleets.
The May-June issue of Access, Lift & Handlers contains the T30 – our exclusive toplist of North America’s rental companies ranked by total number of telehandlers. The list is celebrating its 10th year of publication so don’t miss out on this landmark opportunity to have your company featured.
Last year the T30 featured 32 companies with the top spot representing a fleet of 21,911 telehandlers and our bottom spot with 55. There’s plenty of room for expansion, and ideally we’d like to see the T30 become the T50, so don’t hesitate to contact editor Lindsey Anderson to get on the list.
The total Telehandler30 listing included a fleet of 61,598 units which was an increase over the previous year’s figure by 9.55 percent.
If you would like your company to be included in the survey, please e-mail the data below to the ALH editor Lindsey Anderson at lindsey.anderson@khl.com. Deadline for materials is April 23.
Company name:
Company headquarter location (City, state/providence):
Number of telehandlers owned in 2018:
Number of telehandlers owned in 2017:
Number of rental locations:
Senior contact and title: