ESTA autumn meet
27 September 2017
ESTA – the European association of abnormal road transport and mobile cranes – will hold its 2017 autumn meeting in Krakow, Poland between 19-20 October.
The meeting will focus on measures to improve safety along with new calls to harmonise heavy transport permitting and regulations across Europe. ESTA said this will be the first meeting it has held in Eastern Europe, reflecting the organisation’s growing strength and influence in this part of Europe.
“Safety has improved markedly in recent years in the crane and heavy transport sectors, in part driven by the excellent communication and cooperation between our members and the manufacturers,” said newly-appointed ESTA director Ton Klijn. “But there remains a lot to do – especially by working more closely with our clients and in the area of skills and operator training through our plans to create a European Crane Operators Licence.
“There is also a growing tendency towards protectionism in a number of countries, and we need to spell out that increased bureaucracy and restrictions means lower efficiency and higher costs for our clients, and ultimately society at large.”
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