Fall Protection Symposium scheduled June 16-17
01 June 2010
The 2010 International Fall Protection Symposium (IFPS), hosted by the Society for Fall Protection (ISFP) in partnership with the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) will be held June 16-17 in Baltimore, MD.
The event runs in conjunction with the ASSE's Safety 2010 Professional Development Conference & Exposition.
IFPS 2010 is geared toward educating anyone concerned with fall protection programs, including managers, safety and insurance adminstrators, legal staff, engineers, labor representatives, trainers, standards-setting personnel and academics.
It will provide two tracks that allow attendees to learn more about new and emerging fall protection issues.
Presentations will cover engineered system design, models for fall arrest testing, preventing a catapulting event in an aerial work platform and industrial rope access techniques plus more.
For more information, visit www.asse.org.