Liebherr electric RTG cranes delivered to Italy
22 March 2024
Four new electric rubber tyred gantry cranes have been handed over to customers at two Italian container terminals.
Manufacturer Liebherr Container Cranes in Ireland delivered three ERTG cranes to Consorzio Napoletano Terminal Containers, Naples (Conateco) and the fourth to Salerno Container Terminal (SCT), controlled by Gallozzi Group.
SCT will use its new crane to work container stacks ten wide and six high. It is one of the largest RTGs from Liebherr.
All the new cranes run a hybrid powertrain, powered via a diesel engine or mains electricity via a cable reeling drum. When connected to the grid the cranes run emissions free. An onboard power regeneration system also helps reduce energy consumption.
Sustainability was an important consideration in the purchase decision, the Ireland-based crane manufacturer said, “Together, they are committed to fostering resilient and sustainable supply chains and accelerating the transition to a net-zero future.”