Liebherr HS 8300 dredges Texas Port
26 June 2023
In Port Arthur, TX, Matthews Brothers continues to work on a tight deadline at the port assisting in new construction off of an existing dock. The specialty dredging company used a Liebherr HS 8300 with 8.5 yard TGS clamshell bucket to dredge over 5,000 yards of hard clay, sand and debris per day.

In Port Arthur, not only is the team faced with the challenge of dredging 46 feet deep in a basin, but the hard sediment is particularly challenging to move. The machines must be able to handle strenuous work over long periods of time. However, the Liebherr HS 8300, one of the largest duty cycle cranes in the world, is designed for extended service life ideal for dynamic applications, such as dredging, the company said.
To complete this project, Matthews Brothers also utilized Liebherr’s dredging assistant package on their HS 8300. The assistant enables the machine to preset the opening and closing parameters for each bucket making grabbing easier and more efficient. The result allows for longer life of the cables and reduces general wear and tear on the bucket.