NFDC – Look after your mental health

30 March 2020

The United Kingdom’s National Federation of Demolition Contractors has stepped up its Coronavirus-related communications to members, including guidance on maintaining good mental health during the outbreak.

Holly Price, president, National Federation of Demolition Contractors

NFDC president Holly Price contacted members to outline the federation support that would be available during the Coronavirus

“Keeping calm amongst the chaos” – which follows a letter from NFDC president Holly Price to members outlining federation support at this time – is a five-point document on how demolition workers and their families can cope with the uncertainty that Coronavirus brings, and is part of a range of resources made available in recent days.

It advises maintaining physical distance but avoiding social isolation; limiting time spent on news programmes (and being wary of fake news being shared online); creating a new routine; focusing on what you can control rather than what you can’t; staying active; and seeking help when you need it.

“The coming weeks and months will be difficult, and no one can say for certain how long this pandemic will last until we get back to normal,” said the NFDC.

“However, if we take good care of ourselves and look out for others we may emerge from the crisis with more resilience and greater mental wellbeing.”

Other help available covers a mix of personal and professional and includes tips for remote working and home-schooling children as well as a letter of support for contractors to use as part of their communications with clients, information on the latest Construction Leadership Council Site Operating Procedures, and advice on training during COVID-19.

More details are available online at

  • The NFDC is supporting the Contractor Appeal for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to UK National Health Service workers, headed by Paul Cluskey of Cantillon and the DE Group’s Paul Ford. See
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