No Falls Foundation supports UK election manifesto

Ahead of the General Election in the UK this week that will decide the next government, the No Falls Foundation is supporting the Access Industry Forum’s (AIF) call for the governing body to help reduce falls from height. 

No Falls Foundation

“Together, we have one clear ask of the party that wins the next election,” said the No Fall Foundation, “Introduce a simple, more effective system of accident reporting so that we can identify and tackle the root causes of falls from height to save workers’ lives.”

The AIF has introduced a menifesto to support this aim and is urging all those in the industry to sent it to all parliamentory candidates standing for election in their local area.

Summarising the manifesto, the No Falls Foundation points out: 

  • Falls from height remain the leading cause of workplace fatalities and injuries in Great Britain.
  • Last year alone, 40 people died at work due to a fall from height.
  • The same year, over 5,000 people were reported injured at work after falling from height.
  • Many fall from height accidents go unreported, so the real numbers are significantly higher.
  • The number of workers killed has increased, and the number of reported injuries shows little improvement.
  • In the last 10 years: 357 people died – that’s enough to fill a jumbo jet. Over 53,000 were injured – that’s enough to fill a football stadium.

Right now, says the manifesto, the data collected on workplace accidents is limited, making it almost impossible to pinpoint what exactly caused the fall from height.  

“We need a simple, more effective system of accident reporting so that we can identify and tackle the root causes of falls from height to save workers’ lives. Everyone who works at height deserves to go home safely at the end of every shift.”

“You can back our campaign with the AIF in just a few minutes.”

Click here to view the manifesto.

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