NTEP Certs For Msi
19 March 2008
Measurement Systems International has obtained NTEP certification on its MSI-9300 Porta-Weigh Plus and MSI-6260CS Trans-Weigh RF digital crane scales.
CellScale Wireless Network Solutions using these crane scales in 5,000 to 70,000 pound (2,500 to 35,000 kg) capacities are certified for use in NTEP Class III L applications.
MSI network component options approved for use with these crane scales in NTEP applications include the MSI-9000 cell scale, the MSI-9750A handheld RF indicator, the MSI-3750CS RF digital indicator, and the MSI-9020 cell modem (for scoreboard, printer, PLC and PC interface).
Each offers the CellScale features for overhead weighing applications and allows users to remotely monitor and control multiple crane scales. For more information see www.msiscales.com