Tracked Lifts debuts fully insulated boom at ICUEE

14 October 2011

Mike Hrycak, president of Tracked Lifts, lowers the boom of the new Platform Basket 18.90/46 kV at I

Mike Hrycak, president of Tracked Lifts, lowers the boom of the new Platform Basket 18.90/46 kV at ICUEE

Tracked Lifts unveiled its newest Platform Basket to the North American market at ICUEE. The US-based company represents Italy's Platform Basket, and another European supplier of atrium lifts, Danish company Omme Lifts. The Platform Basket 18.90/46 kV is a fully insulated, dielectrically isolated tracked lift that was made specifically for the utility sector, Tracked Lift's president Mike Hrycak told ALH. The 55-foot-working-height unit is based on an Omme 60-foot ultra compact tracked lift.

Hrycak says Omme saw a void to fill because there were no tracked lifts that have the capability of a conventional atrium lift that is fully insulated. Currently, the company has six units in production and there is worldwide interest for the Platform Basket 18.90/46 kV, Hrycak said.

Tracked Lifts is investigating the possibility of partial assembly of its units in the US, Hrycak said. The company is considering shipping its steel in from Italy and assembling the fiberglass portions of the lift on US soil. ALH will update this news as it becomes available.

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