Upgrading in Sospel
13 July 2015
The renovation of the 17th century St Michel Cathedral in the French town of Sospel is placing high demands on the stucco plasterers, painters, scaffolders and on the construction site equipment used.
So that it could also restore the difficult to access ceiling and wall paintings and decorations, the scaffolding installation company undertaking the works, Entrepose Echaufaudage, took the decision to install a transport platform which could be used for transporting both people and materials. The narrow, winding interior of the church also required an extremely space saving compact device. A suitable solution was the Geda 300 Z/ZP transport platform.
Even the approach to the picturesquely located cathedral turned out to be very difficult, because the access is via an underpass, the transport platform had first to be unloaded from the HGV. Once it had arrived in front of the building, the next obstacle, namely the narrow entrance door, had to be overcome.
The Geda 300 Z/ZP, with its foldable working platform, is designed for limited space areas. When folded it is 0.85 m wide making its transportation to the construction site easy. Using the forklift take-up point, the complete device was transported in its folded state through the lobby with a lift truck and then directly assembled.
The two separate controls mean that the transport platform can either be used as a construction hoist or a transport platform for 300 kg or for three people. With a lifting speed of 12 m/min, the device transports people and materials up to heights of 50 m. In Sospel the assembly height was 25 m.