Water treatment
25 April 2008
Bachy Soletanche Limited Has Used the Continuous Flight Auger (Cfa) Process for piling work at a waste-water treatment plant in Wigan, UK.
According to contracts engineer Richard Mercer the works would usually require large-diameter auger (LDA) piling, “The project involved the construction of a secant wall and bearing piles for two new filter beds and associated structures. This would usually involve LDA piling, but the site is located on clay rather than rock so we used CFA, which resulted in a significant time savings,” said Mr Mercer.
The project involved construction of 121 CFA piles, up to 900 mm in diameter and 16,5 m deep, to create a secant wall. An additional 175 CFA bearing piles were also constructed with a diameter of 450 mm and a depth of 17,5 m.