Yellow Table 2020

22 June 2020

International Construction May 2020

Construction equipment sales have seenseveral years of good growth following on from 2013-2016 when the sales for the world’s top 50 OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) in the Yellow Table declined. Sales for the year 2019 continued this mini-trend, with more growth. However, with the world currently in the grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, next year’s table is almost certain to see a decline in sales.

The headline figure from this year’s table is that the combined sales of the 50 companies on the list is US$202.7 billion. is is a record-high, and the fi rst time in the history of the Yellow Table that sales have topped the US$200 billion mark. is fi gure of just under US$203 billion is a 10% increase from the last table, when combined equipment sales for the top 50 OEMs in 2018 was US$184 billion.

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